Well it's been a few weeks since I written anything. We have been busy fighting flu's and colds here at home and finally everyone in the family is on the road to being healthy.
This morning I was up early (5:30am) and headed for the garage. put in a good six hours working on the car, plus a few hours on Saturday.
The rear end is almost complete (got to say without upsetting Lori... that is one good looking rear end!) and should be ready this week to be installed on the chassis..
It will look much better when she's fully dressed (Tires and rims) and wrapped up in a tight fiberglass body!
Which kind of leads me into the fact that the car does not have a name yet... I'm sure that it needs to be a women's name or perhaps something like Black window or the beast... nah, boring got to be a women's name... Any suggestions?
Anyways, I got a little bored turning wrenches sitting on the floor of the garage working on the rear end. Still a little chilly here in the morning and I don't have a heated garage. So, I worked on the bench on the foot box. Assembling the Brake and clutch components into the chassis.
In addition, I installed the firewall sheet metal and the heater assembly.
By the way climbing in and out of the chassis installing the firewall and heater my pants got caught on some sheet metal and torn them...that and a couple of bruises and skinned knuckles, she plays a little rough..Even had to modifiy a tool to work on her...
Next, after completing the rear end install I'm moving to installing the steering.
This week I'll be ordering the Accelerator petal and the computer system. This kit might be modeled after a 1960s Cobra but, with the motor that I'm using I'll be able to go to any Ford dealer and be able to get a full diagnoses done through the OBII port.
This week my next door neighbor brought over an engine lift for me to have as well as I should be recieve an engine stand to have...
Soon I'll be asking for people opinion on the color....I have a couple of colors in mind but, I'm curios to what everyone else thinks would be a great color.